I have worked with numerous industries from logistics, unions, banking, insurance, and FMCG. Solving complex problems and offering simple solutions.

I have worked with numerous industries from logistics, unions, banking, insurance, and FMCG. Solving complex problems and offering simple solutions.

I have worked with numerous industries from logistics, unions, banking, insurance, and FMCG. Solving complex problems and offering simple solutions.

UX/Design Lead
July 2021 - Present
When the biggest retailers of the world want to transport something from one side of the world to the other - they look to the industry-leading Maersk Supply Chain Platform. It’s an integrated end-to-end supply chain platform that handles complicated logistics processes

I lead the efforts of the largest UX/design team within Maersk currently 12 people and growing. I hold the end-to-end responsibility, delivery and value realization of Maersk’s UX vision & mission. Additionally I oversee all design work, work hands on as well as coach and mentor UX'ers and designers and help raise the design IQ of the the team and with Supply Chain Management.


Smart people are the best at talking about things for far too long. Making is the moment the talking stops and shit gets real. Before that moment everything is just an opinion.

Mikkel Køster
Mikkel Køster
Mikkel Køster
How do you design an end-to-end supply chain platform + an organizational design to support that?
How do you design an end-to-end supply chain platform + an organizational design to support that?
How do you design an end-to-end supply chain platform + an organizational design to support that?
How do you redesign the largest customer loyalty program in Denmark?
How do you redesign the largest customer loyalty program in Denmark?
How do you help the strongest union embark on a comprehensive digital transformation journey?
How do you help the strongest union embark on a comprehensive digital transformation journey?
How do you help a price winning furniture company inspire a more active lifestyle through technology?
How do you help a price winning furniture company inspire a more active lifestyle through technology?

How do you help a price winning furniture company inspire a more active lifestyle through technology?

How do you help the strongest union embark on a comprehensive digital transformation journey?

How do you redesign the largest customer loyalty program in Denmark?

How do you design an end-to-end supply chain platform + an organizational design to support that?